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76% of UAE residents believe life will be back to normal with the ongoing vaccination

With the ongoing vaccination being conducted across the country, more than 70 percent of residents believe that life will go back to normal as revealed by a ‘first-of-its-kind’ survey.

As of Monday, more than five million Covid-19 vaccine doses have already been administered across the emirates with a distribution rate of 51.43 doses per 100 people. It was earlier reported that the government plans to vaccinate half the population in the first quarter of the year.

In a G42 Healthcare’s 15-day online survey conducted by YouGov, it measures the resident’s confidence in the vaccination drive. Of the 1,011 respondents, more than three-quarters felt the vaccine will bring back to pre-Covid times.

Meanwhile, seven percent of those polled thought the vaccine will restore normalcy within a month, while 16 percent felt it will take between one and three months. On the other hand, 26 percent of the respondents believed it will happen in three to six months; and 27 percent in six to 12 months.

Further breakdown revealed that 17 percent say full recovery may take between one and two years and five percent see normalcy only after two years. Oddly, seven percent of the respondents see the pandemic to continue ‘forever’ as the new normal.

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